Do you post to our social media accounts?

Written by George Reese

Last published at: May 17th, 2023

When you enter your social media accounts under the marketing tab of your festival settings, you aren't connecting us to your social media accounts. We have no special permissions just because we know your social media handles, so we could not do anything even if we wanted to.

If you want us to automate some of your social media activity, you must take an additional step of integrating SparqFest with the target social media account. You do this in “Account” > “Integrations”. Once you setup an integration, you control what things we can automate on your behalf with that social media network.

At this time we do not post any content to your accounts. If we add that functionality, you will be required to specific enable that support. We will never just start doing things on your social media account without your express permission.