The public web site will display the following dates and times in the user's local timezone:
- Festival start/end dates
- Start times for virtual screenings
- Start times for live streams
Start/end times for in-person events are shown in the venue's timezone.
If you are seeing the wrong start/end date for your festival on the public site, check the following:
- What is the festival timezone (configured in “Settings” > “Editions” on the "Basic Info” tab)?
- What timezone is your computer set to?
The public site takes the time in the festival timezone and converts the start date into your computer's local time. The start/end dates are likely to match what you entered for the festival only when a user's computer timezone matches the festival timezone. Everyone east of you will see the festival ending a day later than you see it and everyone west of you will see the festival starting a day earlier than you see it.
Consider a festival in New York on June 1 and ending on June 5. The start of the festival is considered to be 00:00 on June 1, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Similarly, the end of the festival is 23:59 on June 5, EDT.
For a good portion of the world, 00:00 EDT on June 1 occurs on May 31. On the other hand, 23:59 on June 5 is June 6 for some of the world. The site is thus correct to say that the festival ends on June 6 for someone in London and equally correct ins saying the festival starts on May 31 for someone in Los Angeles.
For more information on how we handle timezones, see the article Times and Time Zones.