I am uploading my video file, but it just says, "Ingesting".

Written by George Reese

Last published at: October 28th, 2022

There are two parts to uploading your video: 

  • the upload phase
  • the ingest phase. 

During the upload phase, your video file is being transferred from your computer to our servers. Once that is complete, the ingest phase begins.

Once the ingest phase begins, you can close your browser or do other things. The ingest phase can vary from a few minutes to a few hours. Exactly how long it takes depends on a variety of factors like how large the file you uploaded is and how many other films are in our ingest queue. Unless there is a problem with your source file, you should be all set. The most common errors are a corrupt video file or a video lacking an audio track. We require the presence of an audio track even if the underlying video is silent.

We will email you should the ingest encounter any problems.