How do I claim tickets someone has transferred to me?

Written by George Reese

Last published at: April 25th, 2023

If you have received an email notifying you that someone is transferring a ticket to you, you can claim the ticket in one of two ways:

  • If you already have an account with the festival, the transfer happened automatically and you need do nothing.
  • If you do not have an account with the festival, a claim code will be included in the email you received and you will use that to claim your tickets

If there is a claim code in the notification email you received, that means that either you do not have an account with the festival or the person who sent you the ticket used an email that is different from your account email.

To claim the ticket, click the link and register with the festival. In any cases, the ticket will be automatically claimed once you have registered. If not, you can manually claim the ticket.

To see if the ticket was claimed as well as make a manual claim, visit the profile page ("Manage Your Profile" under the profile menu at the top of the page). The “Tickets” section near the bottom of the page lists all current tickets. If you do not see your ticket listed, click the “Claim Ticket” link and enter the code you received in your email. The ticket should now be yours and show up in your list of tickets.