Apple TV

SparqFest has an Apple TV app available in the app store.

Written by George Reese

Last published at: October 29th, 2022

If you have an Apple TV 4 or later, you can attend any virtual screenings and live streams from your own living room through the SparqFest app for Apple TV.

The SparqFest App

The SparqFest app is a single app that provides access to all participating festivals using the SparqFest platform. To be accessible via the SparqFest app, a festival must:

  • Have online content
  • Opt-in to appearing in the SparqFest app

The app is free for download for the app store. Simply visit the app store and search for “sparqfest”. You should see this app:


Once it is installed, you can browse all of the festivals who have opted in to be listed in our app.

Accessing Paid Content

Thanks to app store rules, we can't sell festival tickets from the Apple TV app. You must visit the festival site in your browser to purchase the tickets. Nevertheless, you can connect your device to your account to gain access to all content that the tickets you have purchased grant you.

In short, the steps are:

  1. Download the app
  2. Visit the festival web site
  3. Buy a ticket
  4. Register your device with your festival account
  5. Start watching festival content

Device Registration

The device registration process is similar to those you have likely used for other apps.

In your browser, go to the festival web site and select "Register Roku / Apple TV" from the profile menu.


This will cause a pop-up to appear with a 6-digit registration code.

In the SparqFest app on your Apple TV, navigate to “Account” and then “Registration”. When prompted, enter the 6-digit registration code from your browser. It should now show you logged in with the same avatar image that shows up in your browser. You will now have access to all festival content on your Apple TV that you have access to in your browser.